
4 Super Effective ways to use HookLogic Web-to-Show, that you may have FORGOTTEN about.


  "I forgot it could do that." "I didn't know it could do that." "I never considered using it for that."

How many times have you said one of those statements while refreshing yourself on a product or service that you've been using for awhile?

Too often, we sign up for a product or service and after the "honeymoon phase" (first few weeks of giving it attention), they set it and forget it. You know what I'm talking about. Whether it's HookLogic, Online Chat, Trade-Hook, Walkaround Video or even a subset of features within your CRM, it's hard to be consistent at maximizing each to it’s fullest potential.

This article is to get you re-thinking about Web-to-Show and which features you may be forgetting about or not taking full advantage of.

Here are four ways to use Web-to-Show that you may have forgotten about.

1. Specials Pages

Incentivize the right customer at the right time to convert and take action. That's the premise of Web-to-Show. It's why we place Web-to-Show on the SRP and VDP, and why we recommend placing it on your New and Used car Specials as well.

Your new and used car specials pages are typically of top 5 most visited pages on your dealership website. But yet, when reviewing a clients website, Web-to-Show is missing from the Specials pages. If you don't have Web-to-Show on your Specials pages,  you're missing out on enormous opportunity.

Web-to-Show on specials pages


2. New Car Landing Page

We find many dealers have a New Car Landing Page strategy. Either it be for SEO or Paid Search, todays platforms make it a easy to add landing pages to your dealership website.

There's no disagreeing that a shopper visiting your new car landing page(s) has a high probability of being in market. So why not take advantage of the opportunity by having an additional point of conversion (Web-to-Show) on your new car landing pages?


3. Paid Search

This ties directly into number two. But there’s a good chance you forgot about adding the triggered link feature to your paid search and landing page strategy. Triggered links allow you to quickly expand upon the flexibility and performance of Web-to-Show by not only giving you an additional layer of measurement but allowing you to change the offer based on your segmented campaign.

The potential of this, once unleashed, leads to endless possibilities.

4. Mobile

On average, over 25% of  a dealerships website traffic is now viewed on a mobile device. Latest studies are showing that a large percentage of mobile traffic are visitors by mobile device ONLY. Meaning they never visit your dealership website on a traditional desktop browser.

Traditionally, the shopper on your mobile website are in-market and quite low in the purchase funnel. There’s even a good possibility they’re on the showroom floor of a dealer down the street. When the iron is HOT - mobile Web-to-Show is ready to incentivize that highly in-market buyer right through your dealers showroom doors.

If you have a mobile adaptive or responsive dealership website, Web-to-Show will automatically determine which type of device your shopper is using and adjust accordingly.

If you’re a HookLogic AutoHook client with our Web-to-Show package and you have a responsive website, jump on your phone and check it out.


There you have it. FOUR Super effective ways to use HookLogic Web-to-Show, that you may have forgotten about.

It only takes a few minutes to review this list of 4 effective way of making sure you’re maximizing each and every opportunity to increase your dealerships website conversion, but more importantly your overall Lead-to-Show performance.