
Mobile2Show gets a Mobile Makeover for MORE Conversion

Web2Show Mobile2Show adaptive
Web2Show Mobile2Show adaptive

With 25% of car shoppers using only a smartphone to shop, compare and research their next vehicle prior to visiting a dealership, it’s imperative that dealers have a strong game plan around their marketing and consumer experience on mobile devices. We (HookLogic) have always offered Mobile2Show to our dealer clients. Though often an overlooked feature that’s included with our Web2Show product. Why overlooked? The fact is, most mobile website solutions didn’t offer the flexibility to allow features like our Mobile2Show to reside on the dealers mobile website.

This is changing. And thankfully it’s seems to be changing quickly. One of my takeaways from NADA 2014, was seeing how quickly many of the top dealership website platforms were able to offer Adaptive Design / Mobile Responsiveness as a standard feature into their existing platform.

With consumers shopping habits changing, industry dealer website providers quickly adapting to change, we knew it was time to change (adapt) as well. Not as much of a change as it is more of a redesign of our existing Mobile2Show feature.

Our redesign of Mobile2Show includes several impressive enhancements. Like…

mobile2show vdpbanner
mobile2show vdpbanner

Mobile2Show is now able to determine which type of device your shopper is using when viewing your dealership website. If they are on a mobile device, we automatically serve up Mobile2Show. If they are using a laptop/desktop, or larger device, we automatically serve up our traditional Web2Show.

mobile2show select delivery
mobile2show select delivery

With our updated Mobile2Show solution, a banner floats at the bottom of the browser. Upon clicking the banner, a form will appear to slide up the screen. The shopper is then able to select the method by which they would like to receive their test drive incentive. They can opt for delivery by email or have it sent by text to their phone number.

After submitting the form, the incentive code is displayed on the overlay and delivered to the customer via their selected method.

mobile2show delivery option
mobile2show delivery option

Additionally, we have added call-to-action buttons that allow the shopper to Instantly Call your dealership. If the shopper needs directions to your dealership, they have quick access by using the Get Direction button. And for those iOS users, they have the option to add the incentive code directly to their Passbook app.

For tracking and reporting purposes, the incentive code is now marked either as being related to Web2Show or Mobile2Show. Within the AutoHook reporting interface, you will now be able to break the performance out separately for each.

As you can see, the enhancements we have made to Mobile2Show will allow for a smoother and much more engaging experience for your mobile shoppers. Of course the end goal with these enhancements is to drive more of your mobile shoppers to visit your showroom in person for a test drive. More shows equated to more opportunities to make a sale.

If you’re not already taking advantage of our Mobile2Show feature, please contact us so we can review your account and have it added to your current mobile website. Get more of your mobile shoppers showing up at your dealership with our latest enhanced Mobile2Show feature.

If you're looking to increase the engagement and show rate of potential customer visiting your dealers mobile website – contact us for a complete demo of our AutoHook Suite of Products and receive a $25 Gift Card .