
1 Simple Way to Increase your Appointment to Show Rate

no show
no show

According to industry statistics, the average dealership converts LESS than 20% of Sales Calls into an appointment.

The average dealership has a 50% percent show rate on those appointments. So for every 10 appointments scheduled, only 5 on average physically show up.

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you don’t want to be AVERAGE. If you’re already using our suite of Autohook products, there’s NO reason for your dealership to have a 50% (or less) appointment to show rate. I’ll get to that a bit later…

Why is the average appointment to show rate only 50%?

We can come up with many excuses but let’s agree that the biggest reasons usually boil down to Phone Skills (or there lack of).

  • Customer wasn’t SOLD (or over sold) on the initial vehicle of interest.
  • Customer wasn’t SOLD on the appointment / experience but agreed, so they could get off the phone.
  • No appointment confirmation call was made (preferably by a manager) – many times the customers contact information wasn’t acquired or accurate.

Despite the many reasons dealers are only achieving an average appointment to show ratio, we have many dealer clients utilizing a feature within AutoHook that makes it very simple to increase their appointment to show rate by 20% or more. Achieving a 70% plus.

What is this 1 Simple Way?

Differentiate by Incentivizing.

Award that potential customer one more reason to show up at YOUR dealership. That one more reason could be the one that makes all the difference. Even when the phone call experience didn’t go so well.

Our dealer clients in-the-know are already utilizing our “Send Coupon” feature. Send Coupon feature is included with our suite of products and found within the Admin screen when you log-in.

send single coupon
send single coupon

With Send Coupon, you have the ability to easily incentivize a potential customer on the phone. Along with some added word tracks to your phone scripts, this is a great tool for your sales and BDC team to leverage during a sales call. In just a few steps you can quickly send a customer an Incentive to Show by email.

I challenge you to commit to this 1 simple way to Increase your Appointment to Show Rate. Before you know it, your sales staff will have more shows and be selling more cars.